What We Do

Project 33: plastic R3FORMED is a new social venture. It is a recycling project that will have a positive impact on the environment and communities in different locations worldwide, particularly in developing countries.

We are very excited to be starting our first fully-fledged plastic recycling facility and production of R3FORM3D plastic products in Berkshire, UK. Our next location will be in West Africa, Covid-19 allowing.

The team behind Project 33 is multinational – from the UK, Germany, Portugal, and the USA.  We are passionate about making a difference, we value ethical business practices, and we actively want to help our environment, prevent climate change and improve people’s lives.

We will be promoting community engagement, collect plastic waste, raise awareness about the damage plastic pollution does to the environment, make full use of renewable energy, train staff and volunteers, and create a sustainable business that can be replicated in parts of the world with an increasing amount of plastic waste.

There is no single solution, and the responsibility lies not just with governments and science but with all of us. Individual action and collaboration across countries are required, and this is what project 33 will do!

The global plastic production amounts to about 300 million tons a year, and 8 million tons is dumped into the oceans every year. Due to the nature of our throw-away society, almost half of the plastic we use is disposed of after being used only once. A plastic bag, for example, is used for 15 minutes on average but it takes 20 years for it to decompose, other plastics need hundreds of years!

Project 33: plastic R3FORMED strives to have an impact on a number of areas – the environment, economic sustainability, education, fair working practices and opportunities, and partnerships.

These are areas listed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The SDG are the United Nation’s blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

By creating an ethical way for small communities to build sustainable businesses and improve people’s lives and opportunities and help the environment we will also be meeting some of the SDG and can be measured according to their framework.

Project 33 is a project with and for local communities. If you want to find out more, get involved or are in a location you think could benefit from its own community project 33 please do get in touch.

We welcome any question, contact or contribution. After all, cooperation and engagement is the core of Project 33.